
We’re halfway through February and I’m still talking about a word of the year… oh well! Picking a word of the year as a way to set intentions has become one of my favorite parts of the new year. I used to write out a bunch of resolutions on New Year’s Eve and then read […]

2021 Word of the Year | Pt 1

I believe that what God has for us, will be better than what I had planned — even if not in this lifetime, certainly in heaven. Even when we are in difficult seasons, we can find hope in God and we can Praise Him. He is good. He is faithful.

2020 Word of the Year: Surrender | Part 2

The Bible has a lot to say about what defines a successful life. More often than not, our definition differs from that of the Bible.

What Defines a Successful Life?

Jesus calls us to come as we are but not to stay as we are. At the end of the summer of 2016, Paul and I both had our “come-to-Jesus” moment that if we were claiming to be Christians, then our lives should reflect that and at the time, it definitely didn’t. So together, we made the decision to make some major lifestyle changes that the Lord had put on our hearts so that the foundation of our marriage and the rest of our lives would be following Jesus and not following our own worldly desires.

Four Years of Marriage | Remembering When Jesus Changed Everything

For most of us, the recent months have been the longest prolonged period of discomfort we have ever experienced. We’ve been frustrated by disruptions at work, in school, at the grocery store, and most recently in the extent to which we can celebrate holidays with family.  While I have struggled personally, the most challenging part […]

When Circumstances Bring Suffering, Rejoice in Salvation

Word of the Year I started picking a word of the year or motto of the year in 2019 — mostly as a way to set intentions for the year to come. I pick it after spending a lot of time studying the Word and in prayer — usually a week or so. As I […]

2020 Word of the Year: Surrender | Part 1